

The job market(JOBS VACANCY | JOBS IN AFRICA) can be tough, no matter what country you’re in. If you’re looking for jobs in Tanzania, you know that the competition is fierce. You also know that it’s important to have an edge on the competition.

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Eight signs your interview went well

Figuring out whether your interview went well isn’t always easy…
Although there can be obvious signs that you impressed the interviewer, others can be hard to gauge. But whether it’s a sure-fire signal or a more subtle hint, there are many ways to tell whether an employer is seriously considering you.
We’ve already covered what to do when your interview goes badly and six reasons you didn’t get the job, but here are eight signs your interview probably went well:

You have an actual conversation

If your interview felt more like a casual chat than a formal interrogation, your skills and experience probably aren’t the only thing that clicked with the interviewer.

Not only does it show that you’d fit in with their company culture, it also proves you’d have a good working dynamic if you got the job.

So if you notice that your interview starts to focus less on the formalities, and more on what kind of films you like (see also: laughs at all your jokes) – you’re probably doing well.

They give you positive affirmation

This may seem obvious – but if you’re focusing on getting your answers right, you might not be paying full attention to the interviewer’s reactions. And trust us, they mean a lot.

Because whether it’s through their body language or how they respond to your answers – you can often gauge how an interviewer feels about you just by looking at them. And if they’re fully engaged and giving positive feedback – you can be sure you’re on the right track.

Just beware of the tell-tale ‘I’m only here because I have to be’ signs (e.g. uninterested silences, slouching, lack of eye contact, continuous clock watching).

They’re making an effort to sell you the job

Although every interviewer will talk about what the role is about – not everyone will make a real effort to spark your interest.

So if you notice the interviewer is giving you a detailed explanation of what the job entails (including exactly what ‘you’d’ be doing) – whilst listing the perks and benefits of working for them, you’ve probably made a good impression.

It’s an even better sign if they actively link back to how that matches your skills and interests. It means they want to make the position work for you – not just any candidate. 

They include you in their future

How can you tell if your (working) relationship has a future? They’ll actually tell you where it’s going.

If your interviewer talks about how they’d use your expertise into their future projects, plans, and developments (and/or brings in other members of the team to discuss) – it’s likely that you’re a top contender for the role.

Not only does it show that they can see you adding value by working there, it also means you’ve made a good enough impression to actually last.

They introduce you to the rest of the team

An invitation to meet the team is essentially a colleague trial run.
You’ve impressed in the interview, and the recruiter wants to know if you’ll interact well with the team before they make their final decision. So all you have to do is keep impressing, by being polite and friendly with everyone you meet.
This is also the perfect opportunity for you to get a feel of the working environment. Something as simple as a tour of the office or a chat with your potential colleagues can often be enough to figure out if a workplace is really right for you.

It runs over the scheduled time

Let’s face it – interviewers are busy people.
Amongst interviews, appointments, meetings, and general tasks – their free time is probably rare. This means that they have to stick to their schedules and allocated timeframes…that is, unless it’s worth it.
So if your interview runs over the scheduled running time, it’s almost always a positive sign. Not only do they want to learn more about you, they also don’t mind sacrificing their time for it.

They ask when you can start

The key to figuring out whether this question indicates your interview is going well is to focus on how it’s delivered.

For example, if your interviewer quickly asks this in addition to a number of other generic questions – they’re probably just going through the motions.

However, if they ask it alone, and follow up with other questions and comments about your availability – it could be a sign that they’re considering employing you (and are willing to work around your schedule if necessary). 

You get invited to a second interview

Good news, they want to see you again.
If you’re invited to a second interview there and then, you can be sure you did a good job – especially if they ask you before the interview’s even over.

And although it might seem daunting to go through this process again, don’t let nerves make you forget the positive. They already like you – so just keep doing what you’re doing, and you’re bound to continue to impress.

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