

The job market(JOBS VACANCY | JOBS IN AFRICA) can be tough, no matter what country you’re in. If you’re looking for jobs in Tanzania, you know that the competition is fierce. You also know that it’s important to have an edge on the competition.

One way to do that is to make sure you’re informed about the latest news and developments in the world of jobs and careers. That’s where Kilimanjaroyetu comes in. We’re here to provide you with the latest information on universities admission and job search.

We believe that knowledge is power, and we want to empower you to find the best jobs in Tanzania. With Kilimanjaroyetu, you’ll have access to the latest news, tips, and resources to help you find the best jobs in the city.

So what are you waiting for? Start your search today!

what is the philosophy of NACTE

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Our Business Philosophy

The National Council for Technical Education is cognizant of and fully accepts its responsibility of contributing significantly towards the realization of the Tanzania vision 2025 which envisages Tanzania to be a nation with high quality livelihood; a nation which produces the quantity and quality of well-educated people sufficiently equipped with requisite knowledge and skills to solve the society’s problems, meet the challenges of development and attain a strong and competitive economy. These aspirations of our country can be realized, to a greater extent, with the availability of a technical education and training system, which the Council is endeavoring to establish, capable of producing a critical mass of high quality technicians and professionals required to effectively respond to and manage development challenges of our nation at all levels.
Principal Activities

Principal activities and services of the Council as stipulated under section 5 of the National Council for Technical Education Act are to:
Register and accredit technical institutions capable of delivering courses;
Register technical teachers and other qualified technicians;
Establish and make awards in technical education and training which are consistent in standard and comparable to related awards in Tanzania and internationally;
Ensure that the quality of education required for the awards is met and maintained throughout the duration of the delivery of the course;
Assist technical institutions in their development by introducing and developing policies and procedures that will allow institutions to attain greater autonomy in the delivery of courses;
Advise the Government on the planning and development of technical education and training including matters relating to manpower planning, staffing, budgetary and capital provision, the efficiency of the sector and the development of the curriculum;
Review technical education and training policies from time to time in the light of changing technologies and economic development;
Accept in partial fulfillment of a course of the study leading to the Council’s awards such periods of learning and training as it may recognize as being equivalent in outcome to that award;
Assist technical institutions in the transmission of knowledge, principles and training in the field of technical education and training for the benefit of the people of Tanzania;
Assist technical institutions in the overall development of the quality of education they provide and to promote and to maintain approved academic standards;
Co-operate with other bodies and organizations for such purposes as the council may from time to time; deem to be appropriate to achieve its objectives;
Advise the Minister on grant of autonomy to any accredited technical college;
Appoint the members of its Constituent Boards and Committees;
Appoint moderators for all validated courses leading to the Council’s award;
Receive income and undertake expenditure as may be necessary or appropriate for the discharge of its functions; and
Introduce any measures and procedures which may be necessary for the furtherance of the objectives of the Council.

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