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100 questions you can answer and get hired in Tanzania as Investigation officer at pccb

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PCCB Investigative Officers in Tanzania Also known as detectives, crime investigators work with law enforcement agencies, individuals and businesses to investigate crimes with the aim of securing convictions. Successful candidates are highly analytical, organized, and experienced in law enforcement. Avoid those who lack experience and proper training. The pccb test will cover some issues.

DOWNLOAD PDF:TAKUKURU(PCCB) Possible Interview Questions 2022

General crime scene investigator interview questions
  • Can you tell me about yourself?
  • What can you tell me about our organization?
  • How did you hear about this job?
  • Why are you interested in this position?
  • Why are you leaving your previous position?
  • How long do you plan to stay with your next employer?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • What are your professional goals?
  • What are your three greatest professional strengths?
  • What is your biggest weakness, and how do you work to overcome it?
  • Can you work efficiently in a high-pressure environment?
  • What do you think makes you a good fit for this job?
  • What are your salary expectations?
Questions about experience and background knowledge

1. How do you think you might fit this position As Criminal Investigation?
An important part of research before the interview is what the company does and how the job role relates to that. This includes the company philosophy and working methods. Questions such as this seek to find out how a candidate will fit into the organisation As Criminal Investigation. Answer positively; including practical examples of how you anticipate you would perform in the new role.

2. Do you know anyone that works with PCCB?
Sometimes companies have policies relating to the hiring of individuals related to current organization employees. If you are related to anyone working for the organization make sure you're aware of organization policies before you enter the interview. If you have a friend or acquaintance working for the organization make sure have good relationship with this individual before mentioning them.

3. How well do you know PCCB?
Well, a developed company that is gradually building their reputation in the competitive world.

4. If you were hiring a person for this job As Criminal Investigation, what would you look for?
Discuss qualities you possess required to successfully complete the job duties.

5. What relevant work experience do you have in this career field As Criminal Investigation?
Talk about specific work related experience for the position you're interviewing for. Make sure the experience is relevant. Don't talk about previous experience that is not related to the position in question. If you don't have specific career related experience speak about prior experience that has helped you develop the specific knowledge and skills required for the position you are applying for.

6.The change in the business industry now requires you to have a new set of skills you have to learn, how do you react to that?
First, find out which skills are the ones that you're currently lacking. Then identify what the steps would be to acquire/build those skills. Then take action to do so.

7.What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?
Do not claim to be comfortable with a specific role if you in are in fact not comfortable with it. However, if you have no problem working in certain roles or situations, be sure to discuss this with the interviewer.

8.What have you learned from mistakes on this job?
Candidates without specific examples often do not seem credible. However, the example shared should be fairly inconsequential, unintentional, and a learned lesson should be gleaned from it. Moving ahead without group assistance while assigned to a group project meant to be collaborative is a good example.

9.Tell me about a time you had to fire a friend?
Hopefully you've never had to do this, but if you did, talk about how hard it was personally to fire anyone but that you did it objectively.

In-depth interview questions with crime scene investigators

1. How perceptive are you?

To be perceptive means that you are observant, good at solving problems, and figuring out solutions. Often, you see factors that other people miss or notice details that other people typically overlook. Talk to the interviewer about a time when your perceptiveness was a considerable benefit to a problem or situation.

2. What methods do you deploy in order to properly read people and behavioral indicators?

As a PCCB Investigator, it's essential that you can read others, either while questioning and interrogating, or even in a simple everyday interaction. If you are interviewing the suspect of a crime, for instance, you should be able to identify specific behavioral markers associated with lying. If you have a background in law, criminology, or psychology, you will likely have formal training in how to spot these incidences. Talk to the interviewer about what you look for in these types of instances.

3. When an investigation suffers a setback, what is your initial reaction?

Criminal Investigators must get used to suffering setbacks in their careers, as cases do not always go as planned. New evidence can railroad a theory, people you rely on for testimony can prove untrustworthy, and more. The interviewer would like to know how you react when it comes to setbacks in a case. Everyone handles led-downs differently, so be clear with the interviewer how you typically cope with these types of situations. Talk about your initial reaction and the steps that you take to bounce back.

4.Tell me about your most challenging criminal investigation.

The interviewer would like to get an idea of the types and levels of investigations you have been a part of in your career. If you have some years of experience, this question will be simple for you to answer. Be prepared to give an overview of the situation, what the most significant challenges were, and how you overcame this in the end. If you are new to your career, speak about what you believe will be the most significant challenge ahead of you. Be prepared to discuss how you plan to overcome the situation.

5. As a Criminal Investigator, clear documentation and reporting is critical. How are your written communication skills?

Being a bright communicator, in written form, is an essential skill to master as a Criminal Investigator. Talk to the interviewer about your written communication abilities and support your answer with a case or story. Some ways to describe your written communication skills could be articulate, crisp, detailed, or concise. Whatever words you choose to represent your written communication skills, be sure to showcase the fact that your documentation, reports, and files are always up to date and clearly outlined.

6. How do you react when the outcome of a case is discouraging?

We all experience disappointment and setbacks in life. What separates us is how we react in situations where we feel let down. Give the interviewer an example of a time when the outcome of your case was discouraging. Talk about how you felt, the way you reacted, and what you learned from the situation. If you are new to your career as a Criminal Investigator, you can give an example from an internship or your post-secondary studies.

7. What are your long-term career goals as a Criminal Investigator?

The interviewer wants to see that you have a long-term interest in a career as an Investigator. With this question, its essential that your enthusiasm is genuine, and that you are as specific as possible when it comes to the goals you aim to achieve throughout your career. Be as detailed as you can, outlining where you want to see your career take you in the years to come.

8.What are the core responsibilities of a Criminal Investigator?

The interviewer is checking to see if you have a solid understanding of the role of a Criminal Investigator. If you are an experienced Investigator, you can talk about the fundamental responsibilities in your job and the expectations placed on you at work. If you are new to your career, be sure to mention the duties outlined in the job description for which you are interviewing.

9. How do you handle the stress and pressure of being a Criminal Investigator?

Many stresses come from being a Criminal Investigator. The interviewer wants to hear that you have healthy coping mechanisms when it comes to dealing with the high amounts of pressure that comes from working in the law enforcement industry. Discuss how you can thrive, even during the most stressful times. You can keep your answer brief. If you can, provide an example of a time when you implemented a stress-management technique in your current role.

10. Do you have formal training in interrogations?

As a Criminal Investigator, you may be required to perform, participate in, or even lead investigations. Whether you have on the job experience, formal training, or are new to the industry, the interviewer wants to hear that you are able and willing to learn what you need to perform an investigation successfully.

11. Tell me about your post-secondary education, and how it relates to your career as a Criminal

Investigator.How to AnswerTake a few moments to bring your education to life for the interviewer. Whether you have many years of experience or are a recent graduate, your knowledge in investigations should be one of the keys to your career success. Talk about the coursework you took, where you excelled, what was most interesting for you, and how it all ties into your career as a Criminal Investigator.

12. For you, what is the most rewarding and motivating part of being a Criminal Investigator?

The hiring authority would like to know the source of your motivation and job satisfaction. On the toughest days as a Criminal Investigator, what drives you? Be sure to show a lot of enthusiasm for your work when you answer this question. If you are new to your career, be ready to discuss what you believe will be your biggest positive drivers.

13. Why did you choose to become a Criminal Investigator?

The hiring authority would like to know your 'why' and what drives you to propel forward into a criminal investigative career. This question is an excellent opportunity to let the interviewer get to know you a bit, showing what makes you tick when it comes to your workplace pursuits. You can become as personal as you wish when answering this question. Of course, beware or TMI (too much information!), but you also want to make sure to draw a personal connection in your response.

14. What makes you a stand-out Criminal Investigator?

The hiring authority would like to know what qualities make you the best Criminal Investigator for them. Take some time to research common characteristics among investigators, being sure to let the interviewer know that you possess these qualities yourself. Some ways to be a stand-out investigator include having strong problem-solving capabilities. You are observant, detail-oriented, and an excellent communicator. Besides these typical answers, be sure also to give some memorable and specific reasoning.

15.What do you know about our community and the criminal activity present here?

As an Investigator, you must understand the crime demographics related to the area where you will be working. When crime rates and crime types can be identified, it makes the job of law enforcement much clearer. As an Investigator, having this knowledge will be critical to your success. Show the interviewer that you have done your research and that you are well prepared to be a valuable addition to their team.

Interview tips and tricks, Get hired to Tanzania 2022/2023
  • How to: Cancel an interview | cancelling interview  Read Tip  click here
  • Five things you should never do if you don’t get the job Read Tip  click here
  • Tips to Avoid temptation and shy  Read Tip  click here
  • Definite Dos and Don’ts of Interviews: Be On Time and Don’t Fidget Read Tip  click here
  • 4 things your interviewer wants you to know interview tips Read Tip  click here
  • Winning Interview Strategies: What to Say and How to Say it Read Tip  click here
  • Tips to Succeed in a Second Interview Read Tip  click here
  • Which colours are the best to wear to an interview? Read Tip  click here
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  • Mistakes To Avoid When Job Hunting Read Tip  click here

7 Common technical, logical, and reasoning interview questions you might be asked

John Robert Lymo is a retail sales clerk. One day, he sees an old detective show on T.V. and decides he’d like to be a “Investigator Officer” despite having no experience in the Investigation proffession. Though he never actually claims to be licensed, he buys some camera gear, puts on an old trench coat, and starts soliciting clients who pay him for his investigative services. Due to lack of experience, of course, Lymo makes some serious mistakes and his angry clients report him to PCCB. What action may be taken against Lymo?

  1. PCCB may immediately have Lymo arrested for misdemeanor fraud  and have him imprisoned in the county jail for up to 1 year.
  2. PCCB  may issue Lymo  a citation with an administrative fine of up to 500,000,000TZS and where appropriate, an order of abatement.
  3. Lymo may be fined 250,000,000TZS and charged with an infraction and at arraignment, Lymo will have the option to elect to have his case proceed as a misdemeanor instead.
  4. Authorities may ignore Lymo because he has not actually broken any laws.

John Mbowe is not a licensed investigator; however advertises  investigation services in an online phone directory. What type of action can PCCB undertake?

  1. Issue a citation with an administrative penalty up to 500,000,000TZS and an order to cease and desist.
  2. PCCB does not have authority over internet advertising; therefore PCCB can do nothing but ask Mbowe to remove his listing.
  3. Notify the local District Attorney’s Office for prosecution.
  4. Issue a citation with an administrative penalty up to 100,000,000TZS.

Investigator Mary is hired by attorney Sam to help prove his client is innocent of a crime he is accused of. Mary goes out to interview neighbors near the crime scene and runs into a sex offender who attacks her in his garage. Mary sprays him with a tear gas weapon she carries openly on her belt at all times and thus escapes unharmed. Mary has not taken any training courses for such a simple weapon because it works so easily. Which of the following is the best answer?

  • All  Investigators should carry some form of self-defense weapon if they are doing any work in the field. Mary was smart to be prepared.
  • Mary has violated the Penal Code and may have her Invetigator license suspended immediately by the Dept of Consumer Affairs/pccb.
  • Mary has not violated the law because  specifically allows Investigators to carry tear gas (not guns) without taking a training course, as long as it is not concealed.
  • Mary may be issued a citation and a fine by PCCB for not taking the required PCCB teargas course in advance of carrying the weapon.

A popular tabloid known as “Extreme Press,” hires a well known Private Investigator named “Robert.” Extreme Press requests Robert to locate a popular vocal artist named Janet Star.  Extreme Press also requests Robert to take close-up photographs of Janet’s face. Sources say Janet was recently beat by a former lover.   Robert is able to locate Janet shopping in a clothing store.  Robert approached Janet and asks her for an interview.  Janet declines mentioning “not now.” When Janet begins to walk out of the store, Robert uses his body to block the exit.  Robert says “hold on” and snaps several photographs of Janet. Which of the following is true?

  1. Robert is able to take the photographs as long as he blocks Janet’s exit for a “reasonable” amount of time.
  2. There is no crime, tort, or administrative violation since celebrities lose a “reasonable expectation of privacy” afforded to others without celebrity status.
  3. The Bureau of Security and Investigative Services may impose a 3,000, 000TZS fine and/or suspended/revoke Robert’s Private Investigator license.
  4. Robert is liable for up to three times the amount of any general and special damages, disgorgement, subject to punitive damages, and a fine of not less than 3,000, 000TZS, but no more than 6,000, 000TZS.

Mark, a private investigator is hired by Corporation XYZ to perform pre-employment background checks on prospective employees.   Which of the following is not true regarding the obtaining of credit reports for employment purposes?

  1. Mark may not obtain a credit report for employment purposes under any circumstances.
  2. Mark can obtain a credit report for an applicant applying for a managerial position.
  3. Mark can obtain a credit report for an applicant applying for a position having regular access to bank or credit card information, social security numbers, and date of births.
  4. Mark can obtain a credit report for an applicant applying for a position involving regular access to cash totaling 10,000, 000TZS or more in one day.

John, a private investigator is hired by Corporation XYZ to perform pre-employment background checks on prospective employees. Prior to requesting a consumer credit report for employment purposes, which of the following is true?

  1. The user of the report must inform the person that a report will be used, identification of the specific basis for use of the report, source of report, and a check box if he/she desires a copy.
  2. The user of the report must inform the person that a report will be used, identification of the specific basis for use of the report, and cost.
  3. John may not use any form of consumer credit report for employment purposes.
  4. The user of the report must inform the person that a report will be used and a statement mentioning the person has a right to an attorney.

Which of the following is true regarding the denial of employment-based wholly or partly because of information contained in a consumer credit report?

  1. The user of the report must advise the applicant that an adverse action has been taken and supply the name and address or addresses of the consumer credit reporting agency making the report.
  2. The applicant may file a lawsuit under the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
  3. The user of the report must report the findings to the Department of Labor, then the Federal Trade Commission.
  4. The user of the report does not have to do anything. 
Note: jiunge na mamia ya watanzania wanaosaka kazi kushare tips BOFYA HAPA

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