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This is the bio of Professor Leonard James Mselle, Chairman of the ICT Commission of Tanzania

bio of Professor Leonard James Mselle, Chairman of the ICT Committee of Tanzania, leonard mselle director general ict ,commission information tech

Professor Leonard James Mselle, Chairman of the ICT Commission of Tanzania
Professor Leonard J. Mselle was born in 1961, in Manushi Sinde village, Kibosho Westward, Moshi Rural district, Kilimanjaro region Tanzania. He attended primary education at Manushi Sinde Primary School from 1969 to 1975. He attended secondary education at Tosamaganga Secondary School from 1976 to 1979. He attended high school at Ndanda High School from 1980 to 1982.

Life and career

In 1983 he was a teacher at Kibohehe Secondary School. In 1984 he worked as a labor inspector in the Ministry of Labor and Welfare. In 1991 He obtained Master of science degree in Informatics from Havana University. In 1992 he worked as an assistant lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, University of Dar Es Salaam.

In 1993 he was transferred to the Computing Center of the University of Dar Es Salaam. In 1997 Mselle was employed by UNICEF Dar Es Salaam as IT office. In 2011 he joined Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) as a lecturer. In 2008 he joined the University of Dodoma as a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science. In 2012 he obtained his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Dodoma. In 2012 Mselle was appointed Dean School of Informatics and Virtual Education.

Prof. Mselle is a renowned researcher in the field of programming education. Mselle is the inventor of the Memory Transfer Language, aka Mselle Transfer Language which is used for teaching and learning to programme specifically by novices. 

On January 29, 2022 Professor Mselle was appointed by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania  as the Chair of the Information and Communication Technology Commisson. 

Professor Mcelle previously served as principal of the College of Informatics and Virtual Education at University of Dodoma.


Mselle has published five books in programming; C++ for Novice Programmers, C for Novice Programmers, Java for Novice Programmers, Basic for Novice Programmers and VB.Net for Novice Programmers. Mselle has written numerous publications pertaining to learning and teaching programming. His research areas of interest include; teaching and learning programming, use of digital content for education and cybersecurity.

C++ for Novice Programmers

This book provides a solution to this problem by employing simple concrete models called RAM diagrams to present the material for novices. The approach emphasizes on the basics to ensure that every aspect is clearly understood with absolute ease. Learning programming can be fun.

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C for Novice Programmers

This book, like others, by the same author, relies on the prowess of Memory Transfer Language (MTL) to illustrate all introductory programming concepts. With MTL, novice programmers are given a simple compass which enables them to compare what they think the machine should do, with what actually the machine is doing. In this way they avoid misconceptions which are rife in programming. MTL has turned learning and teaching programming into a sort of fun.

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Java for Novice Programmers

Java for Novice Programmers offers a completely new approach to leaning programming. Using Memory Transfer Language (MTL) a leaner is able to interprete his/her code outside the machine. MTL is a tool for the learner to interpret the code machine-wise. This provides the leaner with a tool for precise close-tracking and debugging the code outside machine environment. It turns programming into a simple task that requires the knowledge of one easy technique: "knowing what is the effect of your instruction to the machine.

Penetration Testing With Banner Grabbers and Packet Sniffers

Tabu S. Kondo, L. Mselle

With looming threats from hackers, identity and corporate data thieves, it is impossible to avoid doing penetration testing at the corporate level so as to ascertain the security of the network. The more ubiquitous penetration testing becomes the more likely secure most organizations become. This paper demonstrates how to use banner grabbers and packet sniffers to collect important information related to security issues at the corporate level. Experiment on the use of banner grabbers and packet

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Technology applications in out-of-school time and performance in home assignments among primary school learners in Meru District, Tanzania

The integration of technology in teaching and learning processes is a pre requisite for fully realization and development of learners’ potentials for the demands of this technologically-oriented 21st century (Cynthia, 2007).

Applications of educational technology is useful during outof-school time sessions for students as it reinforces concepts introduced in school, increases parental involvement, reduces material costs, cultivates independent learning and also builds interest in school activities (Ashleigh, 2010; David, 2013).

The realization of the OST potentials as a learning avenue and hence the opportunity to foster the application of educational technology is necessary to improve the academic performance of primary school learners in Tanzania.

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Other publications written by emeritus professor Leonard J. Mselle

  • Using formal logic to define the grammar for memory transfer language (MTL) on the mould of register transfer language (RTL) and high level languages
  • DeployinG Computer-Based Learning under suboptimal conditions
  • Technology integration for out-of-school time learning: The roles of teachers
  • Deploying Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments in Tanzanian Secondary Schools
  • Developing an Intelligent PostGIS Database to Support Accessibility Tools for Urban Pedestrians
  • An Extended Version of the Polybius Cipher
Some of projects and researches supervised by professor Leonard J. Mselle
  • Using data mining techniques to predict obstetric fistula in Tanzania: A case of CCBRT⇗⇗⇗
  • A mobile phone text messages intervention to support diabetes management⇗⇗⇗
  • Comparative Study of PageRank and HITS Algorithms for Reciprocal Link Prediction in Online Social Networks⇗⇗⇗
  • Designing and implementation of an inferential engine prototype for degree-program recommendation ⇗⇗⇗
  • Credibility judgement and verification behavior on online information⇗⇗⇗
  • Applying genetic algorithms and heuristic search to automate course timetabling for The University of Dodoma ⇗⇗⇗
  • Investigating the impact of network topologies on the performance of openflow protocol⇗⇗⇗

Legacy | Eponyms

Prof  Mselle will be remembered and honored for his MTL invention
Memory Transfer Language (MTL) is a paper-and-pencil device that mimics computer memory (RAM). It is used to aid novice programmers to understand their codes. Functionally, MTL is used by the programmer to interpret his/her code the way the machine uses compilers/interpreters to understand codes.

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